An Exclusive Interview of Miss Earth India 2015 2nd Runner Up, Jolly Rathod

Beauty lies in giving! And it’s never obligatory that the subject of the bountiful needs to be mankind. It could be the green soul living around us, the Mother Earth! Miss Earth India 2015 finalist, Jolly Rathod believes that this is the ideal platform for her to be, because she could always relate to the empathy which nature offers to its inhabitants.

Jolly incarcerated my attention during Miss Diva 2015 Ahemdabad auditions, where she stood confident, mesmerizing in a beautiful black dress. She is a doctor by profession, and this curative temperament brings her closer to nature. Lately, I got a chance to interview this resolute mind and benevolent heart, who revealed her motive of choosing Miss Earth India as a noteworthy element of her life.


  1. So, Jolly! Let’s unlock the mystery behind your face, tell me something about your unveiled personality.
  • I am a simple and straight forward woman, I believe in the concept of “karma”.  I try to give my best in whatever I try to do no matter what the results are. Being a completely passion driven person, I started my career in modelling, despite of being a doctor, having completed the course of MBBS.
  1. How do you spend your leisure time?
  • I believe in staying fit both through mind and body! Hence, fitness activities and reading novels are two of my most frequent practices every day. I also have keen interest in music and dance.
  1. At what point of life did you realized about participating in pageants?
  • Pageantry to me is like a long lost love which I have discovered now! Although becoming a beauty queen was my childhood dream, it evaded while I was pursuing my studies. Quite later, when I began modelling, I recognized that a national pageant will provide me a platform to showcase my talent and allow me to reveal my hidden personality.
  1. How do you see the opportunity of being a finalist in Miss Earth India?
  • This is an opportunity of a lifetime! I always feel that I can relate to Miss Earth pageant because I have always measured the environmental issues with compassion. This opportunity indeed means a lot to me as I respect the cause, and the chance to work with it leaves me completely overwhelmed.
  1. How are you preparing for the pageant?
  • This pageant requires an all round performance in various aspects. I am working on my fitness, skin, hair, communication skills and stage presence. I have also worked on a short documentary to promote the motto of eco-tourism and have also conducted a plantation campaign to create awareness among masses.


  1. Why do you think you shall win the crown?
  • I believe my focus, perseverance and the habit of putting the best foot forward makes me stand out. As much as I believe in working hard, not perturbing about the results, I believe hard work always gets paid off, and well sometimes, it comes in the form of crown too! (winks)
  1. If you go on to win this pageant, how would you represent India internationally? What message would you like to highlight, as an Indian, at Miss Earth?
  • I would represent India just the way it is. India is all about “Unity in Diversity” and I would like to highlight both unity and diversity of our nation. I would make sure, I could evoke respect and interest toward our nation. India’s rich natural and cultural heritage as well as the lesser known facts will be my topic of discussions. And to unroll the yarn of contributions of India to the entire world will be my prime concern.
  1. How do you wish to contribute to the advocacy of Miss Earth?
  • I want to generate respect in people’s mind about Miss Earth. I will put all my heart to exhibit brilliance while I stay at this pageant, so that even if the pageant ends, people may notice the beauty of the concept behind Miss Earth. Beauty for the cause of safeguarding the environment is commendable, and it should reach the knowledge of as many people as possible!
  1. One line you would say for The Kaleidoscope of Indian Pageantry.
  • You’re doing a commendable job in terms of motivating aspiring beauty queens as well as revealing their real personalities. I truly respect the effort and the initiative you take to bring people closer to India’s beauty queens!

That was a fascinating conversation, Jolly! While the roller coaster of Miss Earth India takes turns and pauses, I wish you all the very best for this journey. May the coming path brings you lots of pleasant surprises!

Vagisha Mishra

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